Medtex Swiss Ltd. is a textiles production complex which runs two facilities operating in Bulgaria. The factory specializes in the manufacturing of medical goods for support, rehabilitation, protection and comfort. Medtex Factory is outfited with modern equipment from the world's leading manufacturers. The factory applies a Quality Management System and conforms to the international standard protocol of ISO 13485.
The manufacturing process is further certified with the European standards – Conformite Europeenne (CE). The main advantages of Medtex Swiss Factory are its good location, high standards of quality, modern high-tech equipment, advanced technology and a wide selection of products.
All companies, the members of Global Swiss Group, are engaged in the development and distribution of Premium Quality Medical Brands since 1999. In 2005 the solid positions were achieved in the worldwide distribution of medical devices for home use, bandage products and contraceptives.
That is why the companies took the decision to open their own manufacture of products in the mentioned categories. As a result of the successful productive and distributive activities, all the companies were officially united under the mutual brand – Global Swiss Group – in 2010.